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Three rounds for time of:
100m Run
50 Push-ups
100m Run
50 Sit-ups
100m Run
50 Squats
100m Run
50 Good mornings, 45#
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Coach Nicole (Roots) & Coach Emmalee getting judged during 11.5.
Timing Rules Explained:
During our nutrition workshops we discuss the timing of your meals and associated rules. Let's review.
First and foremost, you must eat five meals a day. By planning ahead, scheduling your 5 meals (3 meals and 2 snacks) will make your day more structured and ensure that you are able to stay in the Zone by feeding your lean body mass the fuel it needs to run efficiently. Relate this rule to starting a campfire and putting wood in the fire as needed (5x/day). We're not talking about a bonfire here, rather just a simple fire to keep the camp warm and occasionally cook with.
Second, don't let more than 5 waking hours pass between meals. To avoid becoming hungry or fatigued, you'll need to fuel your body every 5 hours with a balanced meal of high-quality protein, vitamin and mineral rich carbohydrates, and hunger-quenching healthy fats. Think of this as adding a log to the campfire. Without adding wood from time to time, your fire will certainly go out.
Start your day off on the right foot by eating within an hour of waking. It's critically important to feed your muscles right away, as you've essentially been fasting for 8 hours (your are sleeping for 8 hours right?). Before you take a shower or brush your teeth, put a pan on the stove and crack some eggs, slice some berries in a bowl and add some nuts. Then, go about your day... fueled up!
Don't forget the importance of a post-workout snack (snack #1). I mean, this is why you're reading this blog anyway right - you are a CrossFitter?!? After torching your body with a sub-5minute Fran, you need to begin recovering right away. A balanced meal of protein, carbs, and fats will satisfy not only your hunger, but also replenish glycogen stores, speed recovery of damaged muscle tissue, AND help maintain insulin sensitivity. Without getting all caught up in the science of PWO insulin secretion - let's just say that you need to eat within 30 minutes of completing a WOD.
Lastly, don't forget to eat within an hour of bedtime. Now, I don't mean eat your last snack while starting 2001: A Space Odysseybecause that would mean that you're not actually going to bed for like... an eternity. Eat right before bed - your starving muscles depend on it. Without adding a log to your fire before slipping into your sleeping bag, your fire will go out part-way through the night.
By the way... the campfire is your metabolism (in case you didn't catch the analogy). Stay tuned for more campfire analogies. And to review... 5 meals a day, no more than 5 hours between meals, PWO meal within 30 minutes, breakfast within 1 hour of waking, and bedtime snack within 1 hour of bedtime.
Hear more about the Zone, Paleo nutrition, and optimizing nutrition for performance at our Nutrition Workshop May 4th at 7:30PM.
5K Run
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"Beat the Streets" Fundraiser and WOD May 14
We get TONS of requests to fundraise for causes. While there are a million great causes, this one really touches our heart as a supreme one!
CrossFit Verve is teaming up with Steveʼs Club for the “Beat the Streets” fundraiser. Steveʼs Club is a foundation that Steve Liberati of Paleo Kits created to help at-risk youth get involved in fitness, sports, and other positive outlets instead of drugs, gangs, and violence.
This will be a team workout compiled of 3 athletes (at least 1 female per team). You can participate in either the social or the Rxʼd division. If you are doing the Rxʼd, the WOD will be judged and prescribed. You can participate on as many teams as you like that are in different heats.
CrossFit Verve will be hosting this event as the workout of the day on Saturday the 14th of May. We will be taking donations that will go to Steveʼs Kids. If you wish to donate and not participate in the team WOD, see step 4.
Get excited to get involved, form a team of three or come solo. KIDS are welcome to join in on the fun. If you would like to be a part of this event, email info@crossfitverve.com so we can put you in heats.
CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.6
Complete As Many Reps As Possible in 7:00 minutes, following the rep scheme below:
3 Barbell Thrusters (100#/65#)
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
6 Barbell Thrusters (100#/65#)
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Barbell Thrusters (100#/65#)
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
12 Barbell Thrusters (100#/65#)
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Barbell Thrusters (100#/65#)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
18 Barbell Thrusters (100#/65#)
18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
21 Barbell Thrusters (100#/65#)
21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups.....
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
Post reps to comments.
Joei, Patrick, Stef, Deckrow and Sara W. getting up ropes fast.
CrossFit Roots will host the last workout of the CrossFit Open Series, workout 11.6, this Saturday from 9-12. Please sign-up on MBO to reserve a spot in a heat!
We could get all sad and depressed that this six week series is coming to a close, but we’d rather go out with a BANG! So come on up to Roots for some pull-ups, thrusters, rotisserie chicken, and party afterward.
Just like last time we’ll have BooBars, Silk Pure Almond Milk, and coffee from The Cup in addition to Nick n’ Willy’s rotisserie chicken!
How much does it cost? No charge. Donations appreciated.
How do I sign-up? You will sign-up for a specific hour on MBO. Once you arrive at Roots you’ll list yourself in one of four heats that will go in that hour. This way, athletes can choose to compete with a friend etc. The time table for each hour will look like so:
:00 – :20, open warm-up
:20-:30, :30-40, :40-:50, :50-:00, 10 minute heats
What all is going on? CrossFit Open Workout 11.6 AND a chicken pot luck lunch.
What is the chicken pot luck lunch? We’ll provide delicious rotisserie chicken from the one and only Nick n’ Willy’s. Please bring a salad to share if you would like to eat something in addition to chicken! Paleo salads much appreciated by all of the current Paleo Challenge participants;)
Do you need any help? We are in need of judges and volunteers to bring salads to share. Please email CrossFit Roots if you would like to judge or bring a salad. And thanks!
Three rounds for time of:
15 Jumping squats; 45#, 33#
30 Sit-ups
3 Rope climbs
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Spring Salad
Spring time is upon us and I wanted to make a salad that had my favorite protein, bacon! This salad can be made prior to going to your next BBQ and share with others.
12oz of grilled chicken or rotisserie chicken 12P
2 hard boiled eggs 2P
3 strips of bacon 2P
2 cucumbers chopped 2C
5 cups of chopped romain lettuce 0.5C
4 cups of spinach 1C
2 apples chopped 4C
Salad Dressing
3/8cup of lemon juice .5C
1Tbl and 1tsp of olive oil 12F
2 cloves of minced garlic Freebie
1/4tsp of dry mustard Freebie
Cook up the bacon and boil a half dozen of eggs and save some for later. Pull out that good old grill and cook up some chicken breasts for this meal and for leftovers. Chop and combine all of the veggies in a bowl sans chicken. Prepare the salad dressing and drizzle on top of the bowl of vegetables. Toss the ingredients together and get all of mixture covered in the dressing. Weigh out 3oz of chicken and place it on top of 3.5 cups of the salad mix and enjoy! Top off with a little grapefruit.
This recipe will make four meals at 4P, 2C, 4F
Complete as many muscle-ups as possible in 30:00
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Ben Dutton working his muscle-ups with his spotter.
Are gymnastics movements the bane of your CrossFit existence? Can you lift heavy weights and move a long distance quickly, but struggle with even the simplest bodyweight exercises? Carl Paoli of GymnasticsWOD.com, San Francisco CrossFit and Naka athletics will be presenting a one day seminar on freestyle gymnastics at CrossFit Verve. Coach Paoli will lecture and put you through practical sessions on how gymnastics will improve your agility, mobility and versatility for everyday WOD’s.
Coach Paoli was an elite gymnast in Spain for 15 years, he moved to San Francisco to pursue an education in marine biology. He is going to share his knowledge with you and give you pointers on: rope climbing, handstand push ups, backflip and pistols. Come and join us and take home some valuable information that can get you to the next level in CrossFit. If you need more information or are interested click here to register. Space is limited.
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
4 Ring dips
6 Supine ring rows
8 Burpees
Post time to comments.
Come one, come all this weekend to Verve for the CrossFit Open WOD 11.5
The 2011 CrossFit Games Open have begun, come join us Saturday at CrossFit Verve as a spectator, athlete or volunteer. Here's the scoop...
Athletes must be here at 9am to sign-up and heats start at 9:30am and run on the half hour. We plan to be done by noon, so don't delay in getting here.
Who's invited? ALL
Location: 3344 Walnut Street Here is a map
Parking: Please park either in back of the building in the lot or street. NO PARKING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING, this is for the ICE Factory and car have been known to be towed.
Beer: Free while supplies last, thank you Coors and Rich! Must be 21!
Please review the CrossFit range of motion standards here as they will be strictly enforced.
WOD: We will be doing only WOD 11.5, CrossFit Roots will be hosting 11.6 on April 30th.
Questions? Post to comments.
Stress... Pressure... Nerves.
Sometimes we come into Verve to get rid of them. This gives us a chance to take the stress of jobs and daily life, put it on the back burner for a while and do something healthy for our body. But does coming in and seeing a certain WOD or movement on the whiteboard ever create stress? Does the thought of doing a workout with a judge and people watching/cheering only take the fun out of it for you?
Your body reacts to this stress. Your breathing rate increases, your heart beats faster. If you're not careful, this tension can cause your body to want to get your task done as fast as possible. This isn't always bad if it's a workout for time, right? Maybe, maybe not.
Why do some athletes find success under pressure, while others can't seem to break? In a study published about the experiences of athletes during their greatest moment in sports, "....more than 80 percent of [them] said they felt no fear of failure. They weren't thinking about their performance. They were immersed in the activity, in the zone. The probability of achieving the outcome you want increases when you let go of the need to have it." -The Mind Gym, by Gary Mack.
So when the time comes that you see a movement that's a "goat" for you, you see a workout that plagues you, or when you are in front of a crowd, ask yourself what is the worst that can happen? You are supported by trainers and athletes that are always rooting for you to do your best, but will give you a pat on the back and high-five no matter how it goes down. That you are putting yourself through this pressure in the short-term everyday so you can live an awesome, active, long life ahead of you. That you've put in that hard work and training, so it's time to let it shine. Remember a time when that pressure has worked for you, and focus on your task. Only let everything and everyone else come into focus when you yell, "TIME" with your last breath and collapse, knowing that you're only getting better and stronger day by day.
Stress gets a bad rap, let it bring out the best in you.
For time:
Row 750m
15 Dumbell thrusters, heavy
Row 500m
12 Dumbell thrusters, heavy
Row 250m
9 Dumbell thrusters, heavy
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Thrusters: Tips & Tricks
A thruster is a simple movement really... a front squat and a press. This deadly duo packs quite a punch due to the range of motion it entails and stabilization it requires. Hmmm... that pretty much why we love to program the thruster: it moves a large load a long distance and quickly! But, how can you make the thruster a more pleasurable experience?
Let's start by reviewing the mechanics of the squat. The squat is initiated with the hips moving back and down, which balances the load in the frontal plane and loads the hamstrings. As you descend into the squat, drive your knees out (laterally) over your feet to prevent shear on the knee and the most efficient transfer of power. As you squat, stabilizing your spine is supremely important as well, keeping your torso rigid and your spine safe.
The press is simply moving the load from a shoulder racked position to an overhead position. The position of load on the shoulders is best carried with the elbows under or slightly in front of the load, in this case dumbells. Of course, the most efficient path for the load to travel is a straight line. This is simplified in today's workout, as dumbells don't require repositioning of the head. A press is completed when the load is directly over the heels with elbows locked out and shoulders in your ears (active).
Now, back to our mission: how to make a thruster easier. A thruster is very demanding on both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (i.e. your heart rate and breathing). Because the thruster has such a long range of motion and requires stabilization of your midline, you can bet that your muscles are going require quite a bit of oxygen to complete the task. You can set yourself up for success by thinking ahead and anticipating the demand by breathing more air, more often. Stay ahead of the game and prevent oxygen deficiency by exhaling all your air twice per rep: once at the top and once at the bottom.
Lastly, as you fatigue, which you undoubtedly will, open your hips more dynamically. Instead of thinking - squat, stand, and press... begin thinking - squat, jump, press. Now in reality you won't be jumping, but this dynamic nature of the hip drive will help drive the load overhead with less demand on the shoulders. Core to extremity. Jeez, is this a theme?
CrossFit Games WOD 11.5
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Power cleans; 145#/65kg, (100#/45kg)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls; 20lbs to 10' target, (14lbs to 9' target)
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These are just a few of the lonely forgotten items.
To anyone who wears pants or shirts.
I've been forgotten and tossed a side, I'm so lost and long to be washed with tide. I get stripped the minute you walk in the gym because your Verve trainers heat you up so grand, I have managed to slip right out of your hand. Here I lay nestled in a silly box, alone and forgotten. I beg of you please claim me or I shall seek refuge at the nearest goodwill. Plenty of people would love to have me, this is your notice to pick me by Friday night or you will never ever see me again.
Your lost or forgotten item
Lemon Pepper Shrimp
This recipe brings together the natural tanginess of lemon with the spice of pepper to give you a very flavorful taste. Add a little sweetness from coconut milk, and boom! You get an awesome dish that makes use of some tasty veggies for carbs.
18oz of Shrimp 12P
3 3/4cups of brussels sprouts 5C
1 1/3cups of sliced onion 2C
2 2/3cups of sliced zucchini 2C
1 1/4cup of sliced bell peppers 1C
1Tbl of coconut oil 9F
2/3cup of Lemon juice 2C
1/3cup of coconut milk 3F
1tsp of black pepper
1tsp of Colorado Plateau Citrus Pepper from Savory Spice Shop (Thank you Donna)
A pinch of Dill
Prep the vegetables and combine them with the coconut oil (save 1tsp) in a pan on medium-high heat and saute for 10 minutes, add the dry dill seasoning to the mix. While the veggies are cooking, cut the tails off and pat dry the shrimp to take excess water off. Mix the black pepper and the citrus pepper in a bowl and then add the shrimp and be sure to cover all parts of the shrimp.
In another pan place 1tsp of coconut oil and then add the shrimp. Cook for 5-minutes, or until shrimp turns pink. Remove shrimp and turn the heat to low. Add the lemon juice and coconut milk and mix together well. Add shrimp back into pan and coat all of the shrimp.
This meal will make 4 meals at 3P, 3C, 3F Place 1 1/2cups of the veggie mix and top with 4.5oz of shrimp and drizzle some of the cream on top. Yummm...
Next nutrition lecture at Verve May 4th at 7:30pm.
Three rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell swings, 24kg (16kg)
12 Pull-ups
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Constantly varied includes snatching in the dark, ghost Nick is so fast we can't see him.
Nutrition Challenge Closure:
There were some amazing changes in the nutrition challenge. It was a shame that we could only crown 6 people, when so many made hugh changes and all the races were so close. Luckily there was a bonus to all people meeting certain point markers.
500-750 points: half $ back ($25)
750-1000 points: All $ returned ($50)
1000+ points: all $ returned ($50) + 1 free t'shirt.
If you fell into any of these categories, you'll find an envelope on the board with the corresponding prize.
We had 24 people reach the 1000 point marker. ALL athletes deserve a kudos, but here is a few big changes. Amanda Kennedy who almost got all possible points with a whopping total of 1423. She also lost 7% body fat, amazing job Amanda. There are also a few other notable mentions. Erin had a total of 1391 points and lost 4% body fat. Robyn with 1333 lost 10% BF. Jim Riley had the most points from any male with 1268, Jim lost 5% BF. Cecily had a point total of 1206 and lost 6% BF. Dan Watson with 1235 points lost 7% BF. Sara W. with 1223 lost 5% BF, and that's only the athletes above 1200 points.
Those of you that have asked us for before and after pictures they are coming.
Congratulations to all athletes!
1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Post loads to comments.
Sara W. currently 80th in the Southwest Region out of 600.
Two more WOD's left of the CrossFit Games Open. CrossFit Verve's team is doing amazing and is currently sitting in 5th for the Southwest region and 50th in the entire world. We have 5 ladies and 3 men in the regions top 100. We also have a masters competitor sitting in 18th, Jim top 20 go to the games. Go here to check out the leader-board and see the scoop.
This Saturday the 11.5 WOD goes down at Verve. Come join us at CrossFit Verve as a spectator, athlete or volunteer. Here's the scoop...
Heat sign-up will be first come first serve on the whiteboard.
Who's invited? ALL
Location: 3344 Walnut Street Here is a map
Parking: Please park either in back of the building in the lot or street. NO PARKING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING, this is for the ICE Factory and car have been known to be towed.
Check-in: Starts at 9am, YOU MUST CHECK IN(have wrist band, waiver signed) 45 minutes before your heat starts.
Heat check-in: 15 minutes before heat time.
Beer: Free while supplies last, thank you Coors and Rich! Must be 21!
Heats: start as early as 9:30 and last heat is at noon.
Questions? Post to comments.
Volunteers needed!
Aside from the workouts, we're planning to have a "stink and drink" afterwards, so that CrossFitters from the area can meet one another.
To pull this off, we'll need Verve's help. We'll need judges, operations, and cash register help. If you're willing to commit a little time to help make the Open at CrossFit Verve successful, we'd really appreciate it. Simply email [email protected] .
May Foundations will start Monday, May 2nd at 7:30pm.
This program is for the individual that wants to ramp up into our fast paced group CrossFit classes. This class will meet 3 days a week for 4 consecutive weeks, with a limit of 10 people per class. The movement curriculum is sequential and attendance to all sessions is fundamental to your gaining the necessary proficiency and preparation for our group workout of the day classes.
During the Foundations Program, we are going to want to know a little more about you. We will be conducting assessments in order to understand you, your personal goals, current health, concerns or up and coming competitions. Once we have some understanding of your needs, we can help you achieve your goals.
Additionally, you will receive a comprehensive understanding of the CrossFit program. We'll introduce, refine technique and discuss range of motion requirements for the following movements:
• Squats: air squat, front squat, overhead squat, back-squat
• Presses: shoulder press, push press, push jerk
• Power movements: deadlift, sumo deadlift high pull, ball clean
• Olympic movements: clean and jerk, snatch
• Gymnastics: pull-up, push-ups, burpees, ring dips, muscle-ups, handstands, L-sits etc..
• Other common movements: thrusters, wall ball, kettlebell swings, rowing, box jumps, jump roping.
We’ll also introduce you to our way of eating – The Zone and Paleo concepts. If you aren't ready for The Zone, do not despair, there are easier ways to get started on the track to healthier choices. Nutrition is often overlooked when training, but to us it is the foundation of fitness. Though you don't need to follow a nutritional program to be a part of CrossFit Verve, we want you to look and feel good, so we want you to get in the Zone.
The Cost for this class is $225. Call or e-mail (720-CFV-7783 or [email protected]) to get signed for the following classes:
May 2nd through May 26th, meeting M/T/TH at 7:30pm
Two rounds for time:
100 Squats
20 Jerks, 155#/105#
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Sarah, out of Foundations and rockin' and rollin'! Glad to have you!
Marathoners and ultra marathoners, here is your calling. The organizing committee for the Red Rock Relay has given us an invitation to join them. The race will be May 14th in Moab, Utah and consists of 70 miles that is divided up between 6 team members. You will start at sunrise and accomplish something that many would never have imagined by sunset. The team members will run pre-set legs of the course of your choice. We can make a great weekend of it. Arrive on Thursday or Friday and take in the beautiful landscape of Moab. If you have the desire to try a marathon, or do something that you would not think you could do - make your interest be known and we'll form a team!!! You will find something in yourself that you never thought was there.
The Red Rock Relay organizers gave CrossFit Verve one free team entry and another entry at 50% off. If you would like do this, let us know.
As a team of two compete the following tabata intervals:
16 Rounds ball slams
8 Rounds pull-overs
4 Rounds push-ups
1:00 minute rest
Then, for time:
200 m overhead plate lunge
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Joe developing his posterior chain!
Congratulations goes out to the winner of the most improved athletic performance over the nine week nutrition challenge goes to...
Male winner: Rich McClung with an amazing performance increase. Rich's pre-WOD Cindy was 14 rounds even rx'd and post-WOD challenge was 18 rounds 10 reps. That's four more rounds and 10 reps. The men's challenge was once again tight with Bernie and Munn's on Rich's tail. Rich you have won a free month at Verve, your $50 bucks back and a coveted Verve T.
Female winner: Sara Weisbart with an amazing performance increase. Sara's pre-WOD Cindy was 12 rounds and 5 reps rx'd and post challenge was 16 rounds 8 reps, that's four more rounds and 3 reps. The women were also tight with M.J. (Melissa S.) and Katie Malone hot on Sara's tail. Sara you have won a free month at Verve, your $50 bucks back and a coveted Verve T.
Remaining point winners will be posted on Monday. Congratulations to all!
The first heat will go at 9:40 AM and run roughly every 20 minutes until completion or noon, whichever comes first. Heats will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Meaning, you show up and sign up for a heat on the whiteboard. There will be between 8-12 athletes per heat.
We will be able to scale the workout for individuals that cannot do the prescribed Overhead Squat weight or muscle ups. The modification for muscle ups will be 2x ring dips.
Meeting to Carpool? Meeting place change.
We are meeting for coffee at cork and coffee in the highlands, on meade and 32nd at 8:30 before heading to MBS if anyone else want to join.
Five rounds for time of:
5 Wall climbs
10 Toes 2 bar
20 Box jumps, 24" (20")
Post time to comments.
And the Winners of Biggest Body Composition Changes goes to...
Pre weight 172lbs, post weight 152lbs a loss of 20lbs in 9 weeks.
Pre waist in inches 36.5, post waist in inches 32, a loss of 4.5 inches.
Pre hips in inches 42.5, post hips in inches 37.5, a loss of 5 inches.
Overall Robyn had a combined body composition change of 35% loss. She showed her dedication with a whooping 1333 point total, the third highest point total of the challenge. Congratulations Robyn on an amazing change. You have won a free month at Verve, your $50 bucks back and a coveted Verve T.
Pre weight 196lbs, post weight 185lbs, a total loss of 11lbs in 9 weeks.
Pre waist in inches 36.5, post waist in inches 32, a loss of 4.5 inches.
The men's race was tight! Dan pulled off the win with a mere 0.18% more change then Jim Riley and Mike Elliot with 17.80% and 17.70% changes. Overall Dan Watson had a combined body composition change of 17.98% loss. He showed his dedication with a whooping 1235 second men's leading point total. Congratulations Dan on an amazing change. You have won a free month at Verve, your $50 bucks back and a coveted Verve T.
For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Please be careful out there with the backwards running.
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Carri's new to Verve, but she ain't afraid!
And the winners are...
It was a long nine weeks and and even longer two weeks in anticipation. Waiting to see who are the crowed winners! There are a total of six winners. One male and one female from each category; biggest change (%) in blood work/bio-markers, body composition change, and most increased performance. There are also several athletes who hit some point milestones.
500-750 points: half $ back ($25)
750-1000 points: All $ returned ($50)
1000+ points: all $ returned + 1 free t'shirt.
While tonight we announce the winners of the biggest most notable changes in bloodwork/bio-markers. This was a tough category as several athletes saw some significant changes.
The female winner dropped 42 points off her total cholesterol; pre-challenge 266, post-challenge 224. Her LDL's (lousy cholesterol) went down by over 44%, from 162 pre, to 90 post. Finally the last shocker her blood pressure was a 130/98 pre challenge and dropped to 118/91. This amazing female went from a blood profile heading toward sick, to a blood profile heading toward fit in 9 weeks.
Congratulations on your health KATIE MALONE. Katie you won not only a significantly improved blood panel, but a free month at Verve! Way to be!
Our male winner also saw some significant changes. He dropped 32 points off of his total cholesterol; pre-challenge 175, post-challenge 143. Most notably his blood pressure was a 150/110 pre challenge and dropped to 109/64. This amazing male sent his blood pressure that was nearing med's to the blood pressure of an athlete.
Congratulations on your health JIM RILEY. Jim you won not only a significantly improved in your health but a free month at Verve! Way to be!
Both athletes are a part of the 6am cult and have been VERY consistent athletes at Verve sense joining on. It is no surprise that when they set their minds to, it they were able to affect big changes. Congrats to all athletes, this was a tough competition. More winners tomorrow night!
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
60 Bar-facing burpees
30 Overhead squat, 120# (90#)
10 Muscle-ups
Muscle-ups must have a full turn out with a locked out elbow to start the movement. Both feet must jump together and land together for the burpee to count. Must open the hip all the way at the top of the overhead squat.
Post score to comments.
Dang, Verve has another happy rower in Chris...
When will it ever be enough?
Hopefully never. I think as CrossFitters we all have some general common traits. Work ethic, and drive are just two. A healthy desire to be better, strive harder, never lose the elation of accomplishment. We never think we did good enough. Can we continue to use those traits for good and not evil?
You see each day we talk with athletes who want to be better. Being better is a great tool to self achievement but it can also be a detriment. We did Fran Monday, I saw some amazing PR's. When I commented to athletes today how awesome that was, not one was content with their improvement. "Thanks next time I'll get it Rx'd" or " Aw, I'll be sub 8 next time" or "Sub 5 would be better".
Well I'm here to tell you that when you Rx Fran, beat sub 8 or beat sub 5, the prize won't be had. There is no pot of amazing athlete gold at the end of a sub 5 Fran. Instead, you find more desires, skills and weights to be conquered. With stronger and more competent athletes beside you. Once we achieve a goal our mind quickly forgets and jumps to the next thing we can't do yet. I'm here to say take a break from the expectations. As you enter into today's WOD, stop a minute at look at where you've been, how far you've come and what direction your headed. Be proud of your fitness. Understand that it is a journey with new milestones scattered randomly along the way, that you have already conquered. Know that you will conquer more feats of human strength and amazement as the days, months and years tick on.
Just for today be happy with where you are. Don't expect it all, today is the culmination of yesterdays. What you do today is who you will be tomorrow. And when that day comes that you have what you wanted yesterday, you will still want even more. So breath easy, celebrate yourself. It's going to be a fun ride.
Nutrition results to be posted, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of:
6 Deadlifts, 225#/155#
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood/1.5 pood
Run 200m
Post rounds and reps to comments.
Ross, happy to be rowing a 2k piece... ugh.
The hardest thing about eating paleo/zone is, you are not able to order that tasty Chinese food for takeout. I miss those days of ordering a grease filled box with a beef and veggies. We all thought that we were eating healthy because of the veggies right? What we did not know is we were taking in so much sodium into our body with MSG’s (monosodium glutamate) and the fact the carbs in Chinese such as rice and noodles break down so fast in your body that you feel hungry sooner. We have come up with a recipe for you to curb that Chinese takeout urge.
9oz of rib eye steak, thinly sliced 9P
2 cloves of garlic chopped Freebie
1 1/3cup of sliced onion 1C
4cups of spinach 1C
2 1/2cup of sliced bell pepper 2C
1 1/3cup of chopped zucchini 1C
3 cups of chopped mushroom 1C
1can of chestnuts 1C
2cups of spaghetti squash 2C
1Tbs of chili garlic sauce Freebie
3Tbs of Tamari or wheat free soy sauce Freebie
1tsp of ground ginger Freebie
1Tbs of Coconut oil 9F
Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees F. Cut the spaghetti squash in half and core out the seeds. Fill the empty squash with water and cook for 45 minutes.
While the squash is cooking, place the coconut oil in the pan and heat on medium heat. Add the rib eye steak to the pan and sear on both sides for a minute. Remove the meat and then add the soy sauce, garlic sauce, and all the veggies except for the spaghetti squash into the pan and saute for 5 to 7 minutes. Add the beef and cook for another 5 minutes, then set aside.
When the squash is done cooking, let cool and scrape out the spaghetti goodness. Mix in the squash in with the mix. Warm up all of the ingredients and enjoy!
The recipe makes 7cups, divide into 2 1/3cups for 3 meals of 3P, 3C, 3F
Three rounds, 21 - 15 - 9 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 95#/65#
Post time to comments.
Trainers learning to be better trainers at the Coaches Prep Course.
What’s all the hub bub with Grass-fed beef?!?
For years, we have let the beef industry feed us an inferior protein from grain-fed cows because it is cheaper and easier to process. What they do not tell you is how much you are missing out on when you choose grain-fed over grass-fed.
Let’s just look at a couple of comparisons between the two:
The calorie count: If you are on a calorie restricting diet, you will be glad to know that grass-fed beef has less calories than a grain-fed beef. Example, for a 6oz steak, the grass-fed and 100 fewer calories than that of a grain-fed steak.
Fats, good and bad: Grass-fed beef is on the same line of healthy eating as skinless chicken. Grass-fed has half to one-third less fat than that of grain-fed. In fact, it has about the same amount of fat as a skinless chicken. Being that it is a more lean meat, it helps lower your LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).
Omega 3’s in beef??
That’s right, it’s not just in fish. Grass-fed beef contains two to six times more Omega 3’s than grain-fed. The little moo-moo’s get their Omega 3’s from the green grass they eat on a daily basis. Sure, a grain-fed cow will have Omega 3’s. But, the longer the cow is in a feed lot, the lower the level of Omega 3’s that are contained in the meat and the higher the levels of Omega 6's.
These are just a few benefits from consuming grass-fed beef instead of grain-fed. Now here is a question for you: who would be interested in ordering some grass-fed beef? You will need to find a way to store your cut. We will be making an order very soon, so if you would be interested please email me at [email protected] We will be ordering from Searleranch.com for roughly $3.25/lbs which is about half the price at Whole Foods.
Get outside and use your fitness for fun and play today!
Post play to comments.
The Verve crew at Roots on Saturday for WOD 11.3: Kirsten, Beth, Sara, Robyn, Courtney, Anna, Addie, Ali, Joylyn, Mas, Bob, Jacob, Stef, Bernstein, Jo, Cecily and Pottsie. Minus Leet and Lev.
Great showing yesterday everyone. Strong performances and the best cheering/photogenic/pole dancing around! Big props to CrossFit Roots for hosting a well-run and fun shindig for all!
Remember to submit your scores for validation ASAP. Either submit it to CrossFit Verve or CrossFit Roots accordingly. Here's to another awesome week ahead.
As a team of four, complete as many reps as possible in 12:00 of:
Prowler push 20m
Dumbell push press, 40#/25#
Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood/1 pood
In this workout, the pace is set by the team member pushing the sled. The next team member is accumulating as many reps as possible of push press. The third team member is accumulating as many reps as possible of KB swings. The fourth team member is enjoying a rest.
Post team members and total reps of KB swings and push press to comments.
Tim Keefe working through injury and leaving no doubt about ROM.
The Hip Extension
The GHD machines at CrossFit Verve are being used more and more everyday by athletes searching for answers regarding improved midline stability. But where do we start? Improved midline stability through control of the erectors, hamstrings, and glutes would be a safe bet... and what better exercise to start with than the GHD hip extension?
The hip extension requires postural strength by holding the trunk in full extension for the duration of the movement. The dynamic nature of the hips in this movement provide a potent response from the glutes and hamstrings, while the erectors are contracting hard against the abdominals to maintain trunk extension. This is the exact same position that we require from a deadlift, squat, or press.
Begin by trying three set of eight to ten reps with a partner watching your lumbar spine for any deviation from extension (i.e. loss of lumbar curve). When developing a capacity at this movement, start with slow controlled movements and add a little speed as you improve over time. Shoot for 25 reps without stopping.
On a 10:00 (12:00) running clock:
Row 2k
Then, with remaining time reach a 3RM weighted dip
Post dip weight (including bodyweight) to comments.
Jamey doing speed deads, plus chain at HD&CC
What About Supplements?
We hear this question all the time. Sometimes our answers are not what people really want to hear either - "fish oil and that's it." So let me explain what I take and why and maybe that will help alleviate some of your curiosity on the subject.
First, let me start off by saying that I do not recommend taking any supplements without visiting your doctor and having some blood work done. Next, consider that I weigh 210# and my dietary needs may be (probably are) completely different from yours - including supplement dosage. When trying a new supplement, start with the recommended dosage and tweak it based on your results. Remember, more does not equate to better in the world of supplements.
Fish oil: 10-15 grams of EPA/DHA daily depending on my physical condition. Fish oil boasts too numerous of benefits to name here. Some of them are; decreased inflammation, increased cardiovascular health, improved brain function, and decreased incidence of depression and psychosis. I recommend starting with 5 grams daily, spreading that dosage out over the three main meals of the day.
Some days require more fish oil than others
Creatine Ethyl Ester - 3 grams post-WOD. Creatine is shown to increase muscular endurance, increase muscle mass and strength, and improve recovery time. A benefit of CEE over creatine monohydrate is that it is more absorbable to the cell. This eliminates the dreaded "creatine bloating". Taking Creatine Ethyl Ester is a no-brainer. The benefits will assist you on your path to elite fitness (or even moderate fitness).
Vitamin D: 5,000 IU's daily. Low levels of Vitamin D are linked to a decrease in athletic performance, poor insulin sensitivity, increased inflammation, and a whole host of metabolic pathologies. During the summer months, you can get adequate Vitamin D by exposing 40% of your skin to direct sunlight for 20 minutes a day.
ZMA: 1 dose (450mg of Magnesium, 30mg of Zinc, 11mg B-6) daily before bed. Research has shown that a ZMA supplement for athletes decreases cortisol levels in the bloodstream and boosting testosterone production. Now, I'm not talking about women waking up with "man voices" or beards, but enough that it could benefit strength gains. It has also shown to improve deep sleep, which benefits us with improved recovery and positive metabolic benefits.
Lastly, Whey protein: 22 grams (3 blocks of PRO). I have a whey protein powder shake (powder in water) after every workout. I use it as my PWO snack and I balance the meal with three blocks of carbs and three blocks of fat. Whey has the dream amino acid profile to improve athletic performance and enhance recovery. On the downside, it is a dairy product, making it a non-paleo food. Who cares, it's benefits far outreach the boundaries of eating like a caveman.
First, ask this question: is my diet dialed in to the point at which I would truly benefit from adding these supplements, or should I address what's currently entering my piehole?
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean & jerk, 165#/110#
Post rounds and reps to comments.
Chris K. Battling with WOD 11.1 of the Open.
This is going to be fun!
The workout:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean (165lb men / 110lb women)
Jerk (165lb men / 110lb women)
How to sign-up?
Click here to reserve a spot in a heat for Saturday’s workout. Simply click the “Sign-up Now” button for your desired time slot, and follow the on-screen instructions. As the heats fill-up, we will add more time slots to the schedule.
How much does it cost?
There is a $20 drop-in fee for visiting athletes.
How will the morning run?
We will run every hour like so:
:00 – :20, athlete warm-up
:20 – :30, Heat 1
:30 – :40, Heat 2
:40 – :50, Heat 3
:50 – :00, Heat 4
Please plan to come warm-up for your time slot in the :20 minute warm-up period at the start of each hour!
Who can participate in the workout?
EVERYONE! In other words, even if you did not sign-up for the CrossFit Open, you should still come take part in the fun. We hope that all Roots athletes will take this opportunity to come and do the workout just as you would on any Saturday. We will scale as needed. AND all athletes that participate in the workout will be entered to win a prize from the Lululemon Boulder store!
What’s going on afterward?
The Roots Community Day!
What is Community Day, you ask?
Community Day is about celebrating CrossFit and the great community of athletes we get to workout with on a daily basis. Bring the family, bring a lawn chair, come watch some of the heats, participate in the workout, and stick around for some mingling and food! We’ll start-up the grill at 11:00am and host a barbecue and social event. We’ll have lots of burgers, compliments of Yampa Valley Beef, Boo Bars, and Silk Pure Unsweetened Almond Milk from Whitewave Foods. Our favorite coffee shop in town, The Cup, will provide coffee throughout the day. Roots athlete, chiropractor Dr. Jason Orowitz, will be there with his adjustment table to talk shop and give athletes a once over. We’ll also host a “Show a Friend” workout where you can take a non-CrossFitting friend through a workout. We’ll host that around 12:00pm after the heats are completed. AND the CrossFit Headquarters media team will be on-site to film the action and get everyone’s reaction to workout 3!
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Overhead squats, 75# (55#)
21 Pull-ups
Ladies, we now have 1.25# plates, if you are using the 33# bars, add them for RX.
Post time to comments.
The power of the mind, practice and the human body.
The human body is a powerful machine, when you set your mind to using it. Imagine the confidence, control and practice those humans needed in order to perform such feats. When was the last time you hit up the gym and became frustrated at a particular move? Use this as inspiration to what is possible. Regardless of weather those moves in the video are in your future, does it not bring into perspective a double-under, or handstand push-up?
A major key to success in any area of life is a stick-to-it-ness, or grit if you will. CrossFit is a way of life and a conviction to self-improvement. Keep up the good work people.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Push press, 115#/75#
10 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood/1 pood
10 Box jumps, 24"/20"
Post rounds and additional reps to comments.
Robyn rockin' push-ups at MBS this weekend.
It’s not the ingredients in the peanut butter we don’t like, it’s the peanuts themselves.When peanuts grow, they can harbor carcinogenic mold called an “aflatoxin“. This goes for conventional and organic peanuts. They longer they sit (during shipping, for example), especially in warm temperatures and high humidity, the more mold grows. And as it’s nearly impossible to buy peanuts “local”, as they are only grown in a few Southern locations, more likely than not that even your organic peanuts are suspect.
The far bigger concern, however,is that peanuts contain lectins which are believed to have inflammatory and atherogenic potential. Most plants contain lectins, some of which are toxic, inflammatory, or both. Many of these lectins are resistant to cooking and to digestive enzymes, and some have been scientifically shown to have significant GI toxicity in humans. Lectins from grains (especially wheat) and legumes (including peanuts and soybeans) are most commonly associated with aggravation of inflammatory and digestive diseases in the body. (As an aside, dairy from cows fed grain-based diets can also contain these grain-derived lectins.)
Recent research by Dr. Cordain has suggested that these lectins may effectively serve as a “Trojan horse” allowing foreign proteins to invade our natural gut defenses.Cordain reports, “An experiment conducted by Dr. Wang and colleagues and published in the prestigious medical journal Lancet revealed that PNA got into the bloodstream intact in as little 1-4 hours after subjects ate a handful of roasted, salted peanuts.” (Unfortunately, the abstract of this study is not available without a subscription.) The lectins can cause damage well beyond the gut – commonly in joints, brain, and skin of affected individuals. Continued exposure of the gut by these toxins leads to a persistent stimulation of the body’s defense mechanism in a dysfunctional manner, i.e. autoimmune disease. (Allergies fall into that category as well.)
Excerpt from: "The Peanut Manifesto" - Whole9Life.com
On the minute, every minute for 30 minutes:
Complete 3 Man-makers, 40#/25#
Then, farmer carry for distance with remainder of time each minute.
A single man-maker is comprised of a dumbell push-up, renegade row (each arm once), dumbell squat clean to a thruster. Rinse and repeat. A woman-maker is comprised of exactly the same thing.
Post total distance to comments.
Welcome to the Verve family--Baby Pine, born Saturday April 2 and weighing in at 6lbs, 14 ounces. Name still TBD. The whole Family P is doing well as you can see!
The CrossFit Verve crew represented at MBS CrossFit Saturday with a great turnout and strong work for the CrossFit Open 11.2 WOD. We are so proud of all the athletes who came to compete, cheer or volunteer. Thank you for making our Verve community so special!
The Verve crew at MBS, minus the teen wonder Addie.
Reminder: Please submit your scores for validation ASAP. If you are submitting your score from MBS please list them as the affiliate hosted. If you are submitting your score from Verve, please list us as the host from Wednesday.
CrossFit Open WOD 11.2
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of;
9 Deadlift, 155# (100#)
12 Push-ups
15 Box jumps, 24" (20")
Push-ups are hands released at bottom and a rigid body through out. Elbows must be less than a 90 degree angle on the push-up. Step-ups on the box jumps are not allowed for an as RX'd WOD. Hands must be outside the knees on the deadlift, with hip open fully at the top. No bouncing on the deadlift down, arms must be straight at the bottom of the deadlift.
Post rounds and reps to comments.
Luke, Annie, & Jorge with their happy faces, blowing out those triceps.
Today, MBS will host the CrossFit Open workout #2 from 9:30am to 12:30pm. We will be meeting at 8:30 to car pool up to Broomfield together. If you are going to meet us there, here is a map below. We will stop for coffee and bring the war paint and tattoos.
Also, a reminder to the Verve athletes that you need to submit your workout on the Games site before 5p.m. on Sunday. We need to validate the times before they can be posted.