"Bottom-to-bottom" tabata squats
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The Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squat is a Tabata Squat but each rep begins at the bottom and ends at the bottom. The turn around at the top is immediate - no pause. The ten-second rest for each interval is also held at the bottom of the squat as opposed to the top. Interestingly, this squat, in contrast to the "normal" Tabata squat, motivates full hip extension. Also, the ten second rests don't seem as short with this protocol!
Chris L. working towards midline stability in his deadlift. He does GHD back extensions and reverse hypers between sets to reinforce the positional awareness.
Sunday the 25th at 9:00am join us for, How to Approach Competing in 2012 With all the opportunities to apply your fitness in CrossFit events around the Denver area, what's stopping you? Some might argue "I'm not strong enough", "I'm too old to compete with 20 somethings", or "I don't like being in the spotlight." Did you know that many of the events have masters, scaled, and team events? Whether you enjoy Olympic weightlifting, stand-up paddleboarding, or regular old CrossFit workouts, there's a competition for you. So you've got your mind set on competing in an CrossFit event in 2012, like the CrossFit Open, what do you need to do to get ready? Believe it or not, your fitness isn't like a college class that you can cram for the night before the final. CrossFit requires you to be capable of many tasks, many of which take time and practice in order to master. Training needs to begin sooner than you think and training for an event takes a well outlined plan. On September 25th and 9am we're hosting an informal meeting to discuss how to approach competing in 2012. Topics will range from scheduling for optimal performance and recovery, to how to fuel yourself optimally for additional volume. Your ticket for entry is to complete the Competitor's Download Competitor_Info_Sheet-1. Please put some thought into your answers and record your most recent PR's for benchmark workouts. |
I better start rowing more, we're 94th out of 200
Posted by: Matt | Monday, September 19, 2011 at 22:30
Yeah, but in average meters, we're 218th....
I need to row more.
Posted by: James (O.G.) | Monday, September 19, 2011 at 23:12
Can I be a member of another affiliate and attend this seminar? Thanks!
Posted by: Vicky | Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 09:27
I tried signing up last night, but I couldn't find CrossFit Verve in the drop-down list... I'm I blind???
Posted by: Dan Watson | Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 10:58
Is this only open for members? I am a home garage CrossFit guy down in Colorado Springs. I follow a lot on your site and would love to attend. Let me know!!!! Thanks!!
Posted by: Chris | Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 19:02
HI Vicky and Chris - Yes this is a members only discussion. If you are interested in finding out what we can do to assist in your success, please contact [email protected]
Posted by: Cherie | Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 23:59
Dan Watson, call Mas to sign up
Posted by: Matt | Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 17:25
11 tabata top to top squats, 10:24 2k row
Posted by: Joylyn | Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 21:13
I am a home garage CrossFit guy down in Colorado Springs. I follow a lot on your site and would love to attend. Let me know..
Posted by: web design London | Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 23:54