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Saturday, December 17, 2011


Jim D.

I did an interesting WOD today that I stole and modified from Jacinto Bonilla 72 yo Master Crossfitter extraordinaire. He called it 12 days of Christmas performed like you would sing the song.

1) DL 275#
3) 135# Thruster
4) Strict Pull-ups
5) Burpee Box Jumps 24" box
6) 135# Squat
7) GHD Sit ups
8) 2 pood KB swing
9) Ring Dips
10) 20# WallBall
11) KTE
12 135# Power Clean.


James (O.G.)

You're jumping ahead, Jim. The traditional Verve 12 days of Christmas is in that format. Different movements, though. I recall weighted lunges, pushups, good mornings, pistols, and the like. Yours looks a little nastier.

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